Saturday, June 20, 2009

Documentary Crew Exposes Puppies of Westport and Others

A documentary crew was the latest to pay attention to the Puppies of Westport store. And as usual, the attention is for their involvement in the puppy mill business.

More than 20 protesters turned out to fill the roadside in front of the store. Members of the Westport Coalition Against Puppy Mills were interviewed at length.

Also interviewed were local residents who purchased pet store puppies and found out after the fact. They incurred giant vet bills and experienced a multitude of problems in dealing with the store.

Thanks to all who turned out. And thanks for the MANY honks of support from motorists!

Thanks also to The Norwalk Hour newspaper for it's coverage.

Meanwhile, we continue to receive reports of people buying sick puppies from this store and others like it. Everything from parasites and lung infections to serious eye conditions.

Here's the press release on the documentary too!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's That Smell?

Last weekend's protest had a couple of good wins. One local woman and her daughter thought better of going into the store after hearing a little about where the dogs come from. It's always nice when someone listens to what we have to say and understands that it is founded in fact with supporting documentation.

The other win was when a young couple went into the store only to emerge a couple of minutes later looking to hear our side of the story. They said the smell in the store was overwhelming and that they felt uncomfortable just being inside. They swore they'd steer clear of pet stores in the future...especially after seeing some of the USDA reports on breeders used by Puppies of Westport.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prominent Westport Blogger Probes Puppy Store

Dan Woog, author of 16 books, award winning columnist and an everyday blogger in the area stopped by the weekly protest outside Westport's shameful outlet for puppy mill dogs this month.

He asked smart questions of the protesters and hopefully shines a light on why Puppies of Westport is nothing more than a store perpetuating a cycle of animal cruelty beyond belief.

Thanks for stopping by Dan. And thanks for covering the community in a way so many local newspapers have forgotten!

And check out the posts on the piece he wrote.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Suppliers to Westport Store Under Microscope

Is Missouri finally waking up and realizing that it's not exactly a badge of honor to supply pet stores all over the country? Missouri is a HUGE source of dogs for Puppies of Westport. This story on MSNBC does a good job of looking at the true conditions we're talking about. I guess buyers of puppies in pet stores prefer not to acknowledge this is the reality of where the dogs are starting out. They also often have this odd notion that they're rescuing dogs in pet stores. Er, no. Those buyers are actually perpetuating the cycle. Breeders like those in this MSNBC story are ready and willing to keep filling those empty pet store cages.